The Season is Here

It’s cooler than usual for this time of year. It’s also been raining a lot, so the reservoir water level is up and still very chilly. My pals in the club’s single person dingy class (formerly called Lasers) have been racing for a couple weeks already, but the family boat had to wait until this last weekend to get launched. With the help of pick-up crew Gus, The Captain and I managed to get around the race course without sinking, swamping, or capsizing. Nor did we suffer any serious injury or equipment failure. (Great success!) My brother AJ and his lovely wife Jill managed to keep us in their wind shadow, but it was a good fight all the same. Looking ahead, we’ll be on the water when ever we can. October and the end of the season will be upon us in the blink of an eye.

Gusty west winds kept everybody guessing. Here we’re dueling with buddies Amy and Joe in the white boat.

I’ve been out doing race committee for the weeknight racing. Good folks and so much fun to watch.

Sailing is a multi-disciplinary sport. Maintenance and repair are one of the disciplines.


The Deal

