For my Sky Lawyer and Safety Friends

The other evening, while my pal Janet and I were putting away the safety boats at our sailing club, a pair of powered parachutes launched from a field on the other side of the reservoir. With mild temperatures and the wind dropping off to nothing, it was a perfect night for that type of aircraft. Now, I will admit to knowing very little about this aspect of light sport aviation, but think I can recognize questionable “aeronautical decision making.” What do you think? Is there another set of applicable rules?

I can’t help but wonder what happens when the engine quits. Within a few seconds, somebody is going swimming with a motor and propeller for a non-flotation device and a parachute to mark the spot where they went down. Janet and I watched until we couldn’t see them anymore, wondering if we would be cranking up the Boston Whaler to run out to the crash site. We didn’t have to go this time, but I imagine they will be back. People doing dumb stuff and surviving is its own reinforcement.




Cuyahoga Valley National Park