For 10 years, Friday was family racing night on the DRB.
I was searching the interwebs the other day, looking for a good reference photo of downtown Norfolk, Virginia, when I came across Gary Byrne’s Flickr photo gallery that included shots of our old boat Tantrum, aka The Damned Red Boat, in the 2012 Cock Island Race. Ah, those were the days. A big yellow Robertson named Margarita took us down for the win that year, but gosh was it fun racing on the Elizabeth River. Thanks Gary for capturing those moments.
Tantrum showed up in many photos back then. Every tourist boat and sunset dinner cruise that passed us had rails lined with wanna-be sailing photogs. The pros even got in the act. Our boat ended up on the wall of the West Marine store in Hampton, Virginia and on the cover of the Hampton Roads- Southside phone book. Phone books, you do remember those things, right? Okay, enough words. Let’s look at photos.
Getting ready for the start. The Kid on the tiller.
Blasting down the Elizabeth River near the Schooner Virginia and USS Wisconsin.
Further down the river and it’s Margarita for the round-up!