Columbus Style Barbecue

My last blog, the Maverick movie review, got more than a few folks to come out with some words. On the heels of that “success,” I’m back for a little more pointless controversy.

Many places in the known, inhabited universe enjoy BBQ. I’ve had barbecue chicken in Korea and Indonesia. Pork on the lovely island of Guam. More chicken on the various islands of the Caribbean. I adore the TX sausages and brisket. KC and St. Louis aren’t contending for the top of my list, but I’ll still eat it. SC, Nashville and Memphis have something going on. Even little old Cincinnati’s Rib King has something unique. My personal favorite is eastern NC vinegar based chopped pork. Generally speaking, all the styles are good. If they weren’t they wouldn’t keep doing it. That brings me around to what folks are doing in my hometown.

Columbus Style Barbecue…Columbus Style Barbecue? I’m pretty sure that doesn’t actually mean anything. In fact, if you check out the offerings at the local barbecue eateries, all you will find is some combination of undressed smoked meat and a rainbow of “sauce” flavors that can be added to the meat after it is served. In fact, if I was pressed to identify a unique Columbus contribution to the food category, it is the potpourri of “sauce” squeeze bottles. That is the actual style of the 614. I can say that with some measure of certainty because the range of “sauce” flavors offered are standard fare locally and are categorized by their “elsewhere” inspiration. There is usually a mouth scorching hot sauce, a South Carolina, a North Carolina “gold,” a Texas, and and a Missouri sauce(St. Louis? Or is that Kansas City?) Some places also offer a Memphis or Nashville. Finally, there is the uncategorized “house” or “original” sauce. The flavors may vary, but there’s almost always a bunch of bottles.

So, with the assertion made, until I see a Scioto Sauce, Big Walnut wash, Olentangy marinade, or maybe a peanut butter-chocolate buckeye rub, I’m sticking with my claim that Columbus has no actual style (of barbecue,) just squeeze bottles.

Bon Appetit!


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