Another Book in the Pipeline

I’ve been pecking away at the keyboard for the last two years, trying to better my first attempt at a novel. Last month I sent a new manuscript off to the publisher for consideration. As of this last weekend, Koehler Books has agreed to run the follow-up to Regard for the Dead with the release planned for next Spring. The book picks up where the last one ended and it has a pretty good title, but I’m afraid of jinxing it by sharing too soon, so you will have to wait a little longer for that. Please stay tuned for updates and the cover art selection process, where the readers get to vote on the designs. (If you haven’t read the first book yet, the clock is running! It can be purchased here, and please leave a review.)

In the mean time, I made another book club appearance with the wonderful folks of the St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It’s such a gratifying experience to talk about my first novel with a big group of thoughtful readers. Like the previous book clubs, there was good food, new friends, and I learned things about my audience and my writing.

The lightning fast visit was all made possible by Laurie and Jim Dombey. Way back in the day, Jim and I worked together at Flight International in Newport News, Virginia. When The Captain and I started racing The Damn Red Boat, Jim was one of the early eager beavers to join us on the Elizabeth River. Thanks for having me out for the day.

Tim and Jim with with a few of the book club attendees.


Sloss..worth a visit.